

The IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (ICSIPA), organized by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (Malaysia Section) provides a forum for local and international researchers and engineers from academia and industry to present and discuss the latest technological advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental and applied signal, image and video processing. IEEE ICSIPA 2013 is the third in the series and will be held in the Historical City of Melaka (Malacca), a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Malaysia. The previous two IEEE ICSIPA conferences, held in 2009 and 2011 at Kuala Lumpur, were major successes with over 50% and 70% international participation, respectively.

Proceedings of IEEE ICSIPA 2013 will be indexed by IEEExplore

Call for Papers

IEEE ICSIPA 2013 is seeking original high quality submissions addressing innovative research in the broad field of signal, image and video processing. Papers are solicited on, but not limited to:

Image Acquisition and Display: imaging sensors; acquisition systems; sampling, scanning; quantization; color reproduction; image rendering; display and printing systems; image quality.

Image and Video Processing and Analysis: image filtering; jeux de multiplication; enhancement and restoration; image and video segmentation; image registration; stereoscopic and 3-D processing; video and image sequence processing; morphological processing; low-level feature extraction – color, texture and shape; high-level semantics; pattern recognition and classification; motion analysis and object tracking; object, event and scene recognition.

Storage and Retrieval: image, audio and video databases; multidimensional indexing; content-based retrieval; semantics retrieval; automatic image and video annotation.

Coding and Transmission: image and video coding; audio and speech coding; stereoscopic and 3-D coding; compression standards; image and video transmission over wireless networks.

Applied Signal Processing: signal processing for life sciences data; forensic signal analysis; radar and array processing; seismic signal processing; speech and music processing; smart grid applications; baseband communications; coding theory; digital communications; information theory; software radio; wireless communications; mobile signal processing.

Emerging Technologies in DSP: chaos theory and fractals; higher-order statistical techniques; multi-resolution and wavelet analysis; nonlinear signal processing; social and cloud signal processing; green signal processing; digital RF signal processing; terahertz signal processing.


Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers of no more than six (6) pages including results, figures and references in standard IEEE double-column format. Submission is through the conference website and must adhere to guidelines available at the website. Published papers will be archived in the IEEE Xplore database.

Full paper submission due: 1st April 2013

Notification of paper acceptance : 1st July 2013

Registration and payment due: 22nd August 2013

Camera ready paper submission due: 23rd August 2013

Conference dates: 8th - 10th October 2013


IEEE ICSIPA 2013 is the third in the series and will be held in the Historical City of Melaka (Malacca), a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Malaysia. The city is a major tourist attraction in Malaysia and boasts of a wide range of activities for all ages, from historical ruins, cultural villages and museums, to water parks, zoo and a modern city.

Author Instructions

Paper Submission:
For paper submission guidelines, instructions and template, please use the Paper Submissions link on the left panel. The papers need to be submitted online via the EDAS system, where they will be reviewed, and the decisions and reviewers comments would be sent to the corresponding author.

Preparing for the Conference:
Upon paper acceptance, authors who have their paper accepted may start preparing for the conference. Below is a simple checklist and guideline for reference:

Revise your paper
Take into account the suggestions and corrections highlighted by the reviewers.
The length of the final paper should be no more than 6 pages in A4 size, including figures, tables and references.
Verify the format of your paper
The camera ready paper must be IEEE Xplore compatible.
This can be done through IEEE PDF eXpress Plus service. The detailed user guide to the PDF eXpress can be found here.
Register and pay the conference fee
All registration must be done through EDAS.
All payments must also be done through EDAS (the USD rates apply).
However local participants paying in Malaysian Ringgit can also pay directly to the conference account. Please email the proof of payment to
For IEEE members, please update your EDAS profile to include your IEEE membership ID.
For student author, please email the scanned copy of your student identification card to .
The receipt for the payment will be given during the conference.
Upload the camera ready paper
The camera ready paper must be uploaded only through EDAS.
Please complete the IEEE Electronic Copyright Transfer Form (eCF) in EDAS.
Arrange your travel and accommodation
Depending on your nationality, you may be required to apply for a visa in advance to enter Malaysia.
Accommodation can be booked either through the hotel’s official website or through the many hotel reservation sites such as, Agoda, etc.
Update the presenter information (in EDAS profile of the presenter)
Please state who among the authors will be attending and presenting your paper.
Make sure the presenter name is correct as it will be used in the certificate of attendance/presentation.
Please also update a short biography of the presenter in his/her EDAS profile.
Please indicate if the attendee/presenter requires vegetarian meals.
Prepare your presentation slides
Every presenter will be given 15 minutes for presentation plus 5 minutes for Q&A. Please prepare your slides to fit into the duration.
An effective oral presentation should be structured accordingly: opening, outline of main points, detail of main points, conclusion.
On the day of your presentation, please report to your assigned room 10-15 minutes before the session is scheduled to begin. Introduce yourself to the Session Chair, and check that any audio visual equipment you need to use is setup and working properly. Please load your presentation onto the hard drive so that the transition between presentations is smooth.

Sample of a brief biography: “Shahrul Anuar received the BEng. degree in electronic engineering from University of Nottingham, UK in 2005, and the Ph.D. degree in computer vision from University of Manchester, UK in 2009. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at University of Malaya, Malaysia. His main research interests are in the area of signal processing, pattern recognition and computer vision.”


General Chair:
Rajasvaran Logeswaran
Nilai University (Nilai U), Malaysia

General Co-Chair/Publication Chair:
Norliza Mohd Noor
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia

Finance Chair:
Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi
Multimedia University (MMU), Malaysia

Technical Chair:
Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Abu Bakar
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia

Program Chair:
Vijanth Asirvadam
Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Malaysia

Publicity & Website Chair:
Yasmin Hanum Md Thayoob
Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Malaysia

Local Arrangements Chair:
Matthew Teow
KDU University College, Malaysia

Secretariat Chair:
Noraini Abdul Jalil
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Malaysia

Call for Reviewers

Contact us if you would like to be a reviewer for IEEE ICSIPA 2013. Please remember to attach your resume with your email.


IEEE ICSIPA 2013 is the third in the series of this biennial conference. The previous two IEEE ICSIPA conferences, held in 2009 and 2011 at Kuala Lumpur, were major successes with over 50% and 70% international participation, respectively.


For any enquiry, please contact us at: (Official e-mail) (Alternative e-mail)